Stalingrad (2013)
one of the worst.
28 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can not believe that someone actually green-lighted this project. It was like I was watching a trailer for a first-person shooter video game, complete with terrible voice overs and ridiculous concept. I don't think that there was a real set involved, most of it seemed to be CGI. More money wasted, they should have filmed the back of the directors would have been more entertaining. Was there a story line? I don't know. I don't think so. It was guns and lots of shooting and these cartoonish voices spewing nonsense. The spoiler is that is sucked. There is no movie here. Any actor involved should be embarrassed and remove it from their resume. The director and producer should return all the money the received to the investors. This was purely an exercise to see how many pre-teen boys would rent this movie. You would think that a movie about WWII and a grand city as Stalingrad would be almost impossible to mess up, filming someones notes from that era would have been enough to make a great movie. You remember Ishtar? I do. This one was worse.
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