War time needs
4 April 2014
When the world was falling apart during the war the moving going audience craved something basic they could relate to, and here a danish version of a successful Swedish play and film came in handy. It was executed very well by Jon Iversen with a cast perfect to portray the colorful characters. Ellen Gottchalch had a field day with the energetic performance to revive the lives of three dusty bachelor brothers living in a run down old farm. There is a side story of a girl not daring to accept the charming sailor returning to the island because she is too pleasing to a domineering mother with a moralistic husband making life difficult to young people. Taking her own bad decisions into account Gottschalch helps that daughter to take the proper decision and accept the handsome but still trustworthy sailor played by all time film lover of that time, Poul Reichhardt. That actor 24 years later played the part of one of the brothers in yet another version of the all time favorite of an efficient woman taking the running of a house into her hand. All in all a noteworthy film
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