Review of Stolen Seas

Stolen Seas (2012)
a story of Somalian Pirates from a Liberal View
22 June 2013
Parts of this documentary are interesting but overwhelmingly it is presented from a very liberal point of view. The 'narrator' appears to be telling the audience that it is a 'Somalian right' to hijack ships and kidnap people for ransom, at gunpoint, using automatic rifles and bazookas and rocket propelled grenades and threatening death and dismemberment to the hostages just because there are a lot of countries 'out there' who have 'lots of money' and the poor Somalian people have no jobs and no real government and no hope of change without this piracy of the seas. The involved speak of American rights to guns and 'why not us'? The difference is that Americans have guns- and the right - to protect themselves, Not to commit piracy and crimes of kidnapping of ships and people of other countries for personal gain.

IMHO maybe the Somalis should work at a stable government and jobs and go fishing.
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