Sinister (I) (2012)
This is the scariest film i have ever seen
19 April 2013
This is the scariest film i have ever seen and i have seen a lot of them, made me jump about 20 to 30 times, they should make more films like this. Don't let any kids watch this, it would F*** them up for life. this was the first film to make me jump when the credits were showing, great story line to, enough to keep you thinking and to get you mind really involved and then BANG! another jump nice! not bloody, but quite sick, but all good for the purpose, none of it is real anyhow as i am aware. i had my son watch it with me and his friends and they all thought that this one was the scariest as well. Sometimes i felt like kicking the ass of the film makers as it was so f####en scary. Had trouble sleeping that night. Dame you guys to hell
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