Plain and simple: One of the best Sci-Fi episodes out there
4 May 2012
Simple and quick. I love the episode and everything in it. Anyone who doesn't like it I truly believe were just offset by the subject matter. Unlike previous Trek episodes, were racism is dealt with a soft touch. Were racism is bad, we've evolved, we don't do it anymore; Avery Brooks dealt with the topic intellectually and creatively. And I truly believe had they pulled a "Quantum Leap" and had Patrick Stewart in the roll of Benny, perceived by everyone around him as a black man, it would have been far more popular and may have won the Emmy it deserved. Not because Mr. Stewart is a better actor but because it would have delivered the message with a softer touch to a questionably receptive audience. I am by no means saying you are a racist because you didn't like, but I have learned the topic of race automatically puts some people on the defensive, on many sides of the issue, and they become less receptive to discussion and debate.

If you go in angry, complaining about how this is just another race baiting episode written by the stereotypical black man or liberal Hollywood, you probably will not enjoy it. However, if you go into it intellectually and receptive you will see it for one of those rare masterpieces in science fiction television we love so much.
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