Truly awful
6 February 2012
Saw the three other versions of this story: "Las Aguas Mansas" (Colombia, 1994), "Pasion de Gavilanes" (Colombia, 2004) and "Gavilanes" (Spain, 2011). All of them are entertaining and well worth watching. FELS is simply terrible. How they managed to put together a good story and good actors and still churn out something so awful is beyond me. The (distorted) story and the actors' performances have a vaudeville-like quality, far beyond anything I've seen before. The story, which has been distorted into an unrecognizable mess, drags on and on with new unbelievable twists and turns, probably designed to "pad" the length of the show.

Most of the actors have a great deal of potential as seen in other novelas, and the story itself has been successfully produced on three separate occasions.

I bought the DVD on Amazon and forced myself to watch the whole thing. At the end I tossed it out.
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