Review of Every Day

Every Day (2010)
dysfunctional family makes good movies.
25 August 2011
EVERY DAY – CATCH IT ( B ) A movie about dysfunctional family is my favorite genre. These movies sometime brings out the greatest moment and performance out of actors you actually never expect. Even here we see a side of Liev Schreiber, which I have not seen before. Watching him with Helen Hunt was really interesting. Helen Hunt is a fine actress and we rarely get to see her these days. I really would love to see her soon in some more movies. Ezra Miller is uprising young actor and he is really impressive can't wait to see what he brings on table with bussed about movie" We Need to talk about KEVIN". Carla Gugino is a sweet actress, its always fun watching her and her chemistry with Liev was HOT. Tilky Jones and Ezra Miller smooching was HOT. Overall, it's a good effort and I really enjoyed the whole dynamics of the characters and specially the funny dialogues. I enjoyed it.
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