It's awful, sad and unfunny
4 July 2011
That's the review from my 6 year old, unless we are wrong and the show was targeting 2 year old, although I believe they are too smart for this.

That's too bad, because I don't have a problem with most nick shows. Spongebob, Big Time Rush (yes, I admit it. I think BTR is a very good show, in fact, one of the best on TV right now) and so on... but Bucket and Skinner's Epic Adventures are an epic fail. It insults the intelligence of it's target audience and leaves no choice but changing the channel.

The characters are dull, the lines are just empty and they rely on "pie in the face" stunts, but even this falls flat. It's amazing that Nick's executives are allowing just about anything to be broadcast, and after producing so many good shows, one has to wonder who was behind this.

Don't watch it.
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