Continuing the greatest movie ever
4 June 2011
This is a short that continues a great movie (one of my favorites of all time), the combination between Leo Di Caprio and Chris Nolan is AWESOME (beside of the great cast that the movie has), i think it must have a second part because of that. Well focusing directly in the short, this is a short in animation where you can see almost all the cast (Leo Di Caprio, Joseph Gordon-Levit, Marion Cotilliard, Ellen Page, Ken Watanable, etc.) of the movie turned into cartoons, it is very interesting and it tells a story after the movie with another mission for Cobb and all the characters, i really recommend for all the ones who liked the movie, for the ones who didn't liked it I don't because you'll get bored, I give it an 8, I hope you like it. Greetings. maxi0305
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