Is Game of Thrones just an other Good versus Evil battle ? I doubt it because I don't think George R. R. Martin is that naive and titling his work A Song of Ice and Fire was just a way to appeal our Manichaean reptilian brain. After all there's a reason why J. R. R. Tolkien set his fantasy writings in Middle-earth. Smoking dragons wouldn't be able to burn villages if they weren't able to fly. That's for the air. Is there a common ground for all these families ? And what if the Gods were only toying their creation from deep down the sea ? Atlantis, Greek and Norse mythologies
The perfect number for the most pivotal episode so far. Se7en wicked steps to lose it and feel alive : 1. Digest the recap to freshen up your dry memory and dive in the most wonderful opening of all title sequences. 2. Chop up an animal corpse from beginning to end in front of the camera and give a visceral lecture on family values to Jaime Lannister. 3. Let the Littlefinger talk while teaching an exotic prostitute how to please the curvy nature of a Caucasian beauty. 4. Alert Jon Snow, hint at a possible beginning of the end and unveil an intriguing destiny. Bonus : Dungeons & Dragons joke. 5. Forge A Golden Crown for Daenerys dear brother then melt Ned's fate in the most unpredictable shapes. 6. Learn Dothraki to make sure you understand what Khal Drogo says because Jason Momoa's performance was both gentle and furious ! The 7th is obvious, it's yours.