Review of Uncle David

Uncle David (2010)
One of the worst films I've ever seen.
15 May 2011
I've seen plenty of gay-themed movie and I am a gay man and this was absolutely one of the worst (I say "one of" to be kind but I honestly can't remember a worse movie.) Some of the dialogue is inaudible due to poor sound quality (e.g. they're talking over the sound of airplanes but the airplanes are louder.) There is very little plot and no story line to follow. No beautiful scenes. Nothing. No redeeming qualities at all. The premise of a gay man interested in his nephew might have been developed into something but it is not. The two men are just that: two men trying to make a living by making a low budget piece of crap that maybe some desperate gay film festies will use as filler. Don't even waste your time!
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