Decoration Day (1990 TV Movie)
Remarkable by its simplicity
31 December 2010
This is one of those quiet movies, where nothing exciting or outlandish happens, and nobody's life is in ruins but it is all the better for it. One of the things I enjoy about James Garner is that he tends not to be in the movies that are all hot air and explosions. The layers of this story are slowly peeled back as the characters grow on the viewer until the viewer finds that they really care! It's well executed, beautifully and with simplicity and it all feels real. I don't care about how scenes are concocted or faked, the end result is a work of beauty and art, and I'm delighted to have had the chance to see it again. Real life is not a blockbuster, and this film captures the genuine friendship that exists between the people and we feel it. wonderful.
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