Godd, but could have been great
7 November 2010
Ken Follett's novel is an all time classic,and it was great to see it put on screen. The result is good. I watched the whole miniseries in one day; once you started you cannot stop, like when you read Follett's book. The cast is perfect. Ian Mc Shane is brilliant as always, and all those wonderful English actors and actresses are perfect. One thing bothered me a lot though; the monuments, the clothes, the furniture look more renaissance than 12th century, and it's a shame because it spoils the credibility of the movie. It did not surprise me though, knowing that it was produced by Ridley Scott. After his awful Robin Hood, you knew what to expect. I wish it would have been as accurate as Jean Jacques Annaud's "In the name of the Rose". It would have been a masterpiece instead of the pleasant mini series we have here. Ar least, it is very entertaining .
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