a (not very) insightful (not) horror-(not) comedy
24 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
One part Heathers, One part Scream, this vehicle for Diablo Cody's wannabe hipster dialog wants to be funny and scary and insightful and just never quite manages any of them well.

The "horror comedy" tag seems to come from the fact that the film is slightly less bleak and sadistic than most horror films. It certainly isn't because the characters or situations are actually funny or even humorous. Rather than the genre-savvy displayed by the characters in Scream, which gave that film such a fresh approach to horror. Everything here is played straight. It's a "horror" film in that it involves demons and a teen girl eating her male partners after seducing them, but it isn't particularly horrifying or scary or even all that creepy. As for any insights into the relationships of teen girls, well there is something there about how female best friends can use and abuse each other, but most of this is lost to the machinations of the plot. The film was mildly entertaining, but nowhere near as clever as it thought it was. While watching, I just kept think how much better a job Joss Whedon could have done with this theme in a Buffy episode. 5 out of 10
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