One of the worst horror remakes of all time
21 January 2009
William Castle perfected the horror movie gimmick in the fifties, half a century later Lionsgate tries to take the horror movie gimmick to the phase with the horrible My Bloody Valentine 3-D. 3-D in horror films is nothing new as most horror buffs know Friday The 13th Part 3 & Piranha II: The Spawning were both released in the eighties in 3-D. While there are a few cool shots in the movie, nothing really jumped out at me and made me saw WOW! My Bloody Valentine was filmed in REALD and while it's not the first film to be filmed in this format, it doesn't have anywhere near the success that Journey To The Center Of The Earth had last summer. Watching the film it became apparent that the format has yet to be perfected and I'm hoping that when Avatar & Final Destination 4 are released later this year in REALD, that movie studios have worked out all the bugs. As for the film itself, it's just your run of the mill slasher film with dumb characters, pointless nudity and horrible acting. I've never been one to down a so bad it's good slasher film as I rank both the Sleepaway Camp & Slumber Party Massacre series high in my guilty pleasures book, but watching My Bloody Valentine was more painful than a New Kids On The Concert. Jensen Ackles from the hit WB series Supernatural gives a horrible acting debut performance as Tom. I didn't go into this movie expecting Ackles to have the same dramatic prowse of say Brando or Penn but, Ackles lines are amateurish in delivery and he doesn't have the experience or the talent to carry this movie. In the female lead role, Jamie King doesn't display the type of courage needed for a female horror heroine and I was just waiting for her untimely demise, which sadly doesn't happen. Finally Kerr Smith shows why he hasn't had a decent acting job, since his days on Dawson's Creek. Lionsgate should be ashamed of themselves for remaking My Bloody Valentine, as the remake gives the original a bad name. Horror films are supposed to be so bad there good, sadly My Bloody Valentine ranks as the worst horror remake since Dark Water; with the added 3-D effect it gains 1 ½ star but other than that it's a waste of time of money.
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