The Circle (2003)
Artistic movie that requires a lot of patience to watch...
29 December 2008
I watch a lot of Asian cinema and very rarely do I run across a film that challenges my patience like this one did.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that it's a horrible film. The acting is good in a B-movie sort of way and the directing is average as well so nothing's wrong technically. It's just that the script doesn't lend itself to being easily understood.

You'll understand what I'm saying if you've ever seen a David Lynch movie like Mulholland Drive or The Lost Highway. Like those films, things in Seokkeul follow a logic path that's not easily deciphered by the viewer. I'm sure if we had access to an interview with the director he could easily explain why he made the choices he did, both in script and timing but alas, we don't have that luxury.

I gave it a 5 because it's not hard on the eyes to watch but it will certainly test your patience and make you wonder why a 109 minute video suddenly feels like a 4 hour video.
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