Review of Taken

Taken (I) (2008)
Much better than you would expect it to be - Do not miss out
30 November 2008
It is unfortunate that 'Taken' is automatically regarded as clichéd by hearing its plot alone. In a nutshell, the daughter of an American secret agent is kidnapped and so he goes after her kidnappers. Sounds like a movie-made-for-TV doesn't it? Well it's not! The writing is excellent. Very tight, it gets to the point really quickly. It is obvious that they worked on the script a lot, to ensure that nothing boring or redundant is left inside. The rhythm of the plot picks up quickly and you don't want to stop watching.

The action scenes are filmed to perfection and they are all convincing and interesting. The European set gives a kind of exotic vibe, adding to the value of the movie.

Finally Liam Neeson is perfect for the role. You might think that someone like Bruce Willis might be more cut out for this, but Neeson proves he is an excellent actor and his performance is truly enjoyable.

Do not miss out on 'Taken'. It is one of the best of its kind.
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