Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2007 Video Game)
Kind of a cross between Tomb Raider Legends and Gears of War.
24 December 2007
I liked this game for the most part, but I was hoping for something a bit more original, however, if you have played the two games listed above then this is not going to be anything new game play wise. However, it makes up for it by having a rather good story, and I did enjoy the game play in said two games. Just to warn you though, I was cussing at certain parts of the game and I had it set to easy. The story, typical search for the treasure scenario as Nathan and his buddies are after a treasure sought by Sir Francis Drake. You have your typical bad guys and you have numerous shoot outs, which is one of the problems I had with this game. There are two many go here then to the next screen all basic shootouts. These shootouts get annoying, especially when the enemy is seemingly dead on all the time. I just wish with all the advances in gaming they could dumb down the enemy a bit. I can't stand it when you get locked on immediately, it would be nice if for once the enemy would lose sight of you at times as that would be more realistic. The exploring is straight out of Tomb Raider Legends and fun for the most part, and then there is the end which spiced things up with strange things to kill, things that would seem more in place in a horror survival game than in this setting. Still, it was fun, the ending was good and I could see playing another game featuring these characters again. Next time I hope they work on the hand to hand more as you just did not get a lot of opportunity to really use it much.
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