Drake & Josh (2004–2007)
One of my most favourite TV shows...Hug me brotha
6 November 2007
This is not only the best TV-series on Nickelodeon but also the best TV-series ever!!! When the first time I've seen it I absolutely fell in love with it and I never miss a single episode. Every episode is very, very entertaining, funny and has an amazing story. Another thing I really like about the show is when Drake & Josh talk to the audience about each other before it starts because it builds up the funny mood. They both act really well, Drake's acting is definitely original and Josh's acting is quite similar to Jim Carry when he makes a lot of face expressions but it suits him and I really like both of them.

The first episode I've seen was when Josh moved in Drake's house and came into his room and said "These bed sheets match my pyjamas" and I was rolling on the ground with laughter also near the end when Josh said "I gave good advice while wearing pants". The writers always have been clever since it started and I would also like to give them credit. I also like the song "I found a way" which is written and performed by Drake Bell.

Overall it is one of my most favourite TV shows and do not fall for anyone who has given it lower than 8 out of 10 because they have no sense of humour. I recently seen the new extended episode called "The really big shrimp" which made me happy.
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