B5 the miniseries?
29 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was both skeptical and somewhat worried how Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark would be. I was however after watching it quite pleased. As far as i understand this will be a continued production if sales go well and people are interested in it. If so we might see several titles of this in a near future, in the spin off "The Lost Tales". This should be seen as a Episode in a series/miniseries(?), as it kinda leaves you hanging a little feeling that you miss something in the end. If you watch this expecting a movie you will not be pleased. In fact the only reason i rated this 7/10 and not 8 or higher was that i would have liked to see some of the other races, how the universe looks 10 years "after". The drak, And what hold they have on the centauri. Perhaps will this come in later episodes, i very much hope so. i gave it a 7 because, it had some very nice CGI effects. Some which i have myself never before seen. it opens up for some interesting future content in the B5 universe. And Galen is a character that alone gave it 3 extra in the ratings. Masterfully portrayed by Peter Woodward, breathing in some mysticism into this production.

****Spoiler warning***** Voices in the dark, starts off with a worked on B5 falling ill with what can be described as demonic possession, a priest from earth (Father Kelly(Alan Scarfe)) comes to B5 by request of Colonel Elizabeth Lochley(Tracy Scoggins). Meanwhile President Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner) are leaving Minbar en-route to B5 for a 10 year anniversary of the Earth-minbar alliance. While sleeping Galen(Peter Woodward) visits his dreams and show him a Apocalyptic view of a might be future, and present a way to stop this. President Sheridan must now choose if he should listen to Galens warnings and follow his advice. Or find another way. ****** End of spoiler ****
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