Given the subject matter - a long-term strike on the Australian waterfront in 1998 by union employees while the Australian government tried to break the back of the unions - I watched 'Rove' and only recorded the first episode to watch later, thinking that if I got bored, I could easily delete the rest. Wrong choice!! Firstly a big bouquet must go to Sue Smith for yet another exquisitely sharp and economical script. The direction by Raymond Quint, and the wonderful performances by an array of top Australian actors - Anthony Hayes, Geoff Morrell, Lucy Bell, Daniel Frederickson - more than adequately supported the script, and so many stood out I feel bad only naming those 4. Rhys Muldoon's quirky and distracted Julian Burnside was beautifully crafted, and courageous also, given Burnside's recent and regular appearances in the media as the barrister for the refugees. Whilst the point of view of the writer was chiefly that of the workers, we were also taken on a regular journey into the struggles facing Chris Corrigan, the boss who was prepared to sell out to the government of the day to get the unions off his back.
I suspect that not many Australians would have seen this outstanding mini-series, given the usual Sunday and Monday night competition from the commercial networks. This is saddening, as this story needs to be seen by us all. It amazes me how quickly we all forget what came before.
I suspect that not many Australians would have seen this outstanding mini-series, given the usual Sunday and Monday night competition from the commercial networks. This is saddening, as this story needs to be seen by us all. It amazes me how quickly we all forget what came before.