Do you like CSI? Well, you won't like this....
11 January 2007
Based on the excellent drama-horror book by Frank Peretti, this movie was more like a twisted, rewritten version done for film.

The story was reworked and exposition was changed, characters changed, until the master screenwriter came up with something more fitting for today's Hollywood- in other words the end results was cliché, badly cut, and dramatic in all the wrong places. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a B movie, it was better than most B movies I've seen. More like a B+ or an A-.

The editing and film style resemble a two hour long episode of CSI without the forensics- and CSI fans will notice that the cast is pretty much an entire ensemble of CSI extras.

In the end, its like they say, the book is always better. In this case the movie could have been just as good, but they decided to make it overly dramatic and hackneyed with little real character development and evolution.

Frank Peretti, I give you 2 thumbs up. Movie, you only get a tiny little knubby knuckle up.
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