Conversation with God
18 November 2006
Before seeing the movie, I have read Conversation with God written by NEALE DONALD WALSCH. Although I always had a very high spiritual life, these (3) books were a revelation to me. I was also talking to God but only in a form of monologue. The movie and the books show otherwise; God can actually make dialogs with you if only your heart is receptive. I was in that state of mind when I saw the film. A great story (like I was expected) in a small film. Being an independent low budget movie directed by a not very skilled director (S. Simon) did not bother me at all, because the emotion and the message went through and made this story as one of the most important film of the decade. To me the other great movie similar to this one is THE TRUMAN SHOW. None of these has or will make money. But that is not important. I am persuaded the CONVERSATION WITH GOD will touch thousand of people and that's the most important mission for this story. Figures set up to 7 million people, (and still counting) who read the books. My feeling is that at least several thousand of people will be deeply touched by the movie. As a viewer I believe in this s touching story for two reasons: the magic writing of Neale Donald Walsch but more than that the credibility of the character personified by a great actor Henry Czerny. ( Mission Impossible /Boys of St-Vincent) Neale Donald Walsch in real life was 50 years old with a broken neck when he first started living homeless. And Henry Czerny played that with a rare sensibility and a true conviction. Thanks to both Neale and Henry. Please go see that movie who ever you are either you read or not the books. You too can talk with God because God will always be there for you and …me

9/10 Roger Cardinal Canada.
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