Review of RoboCop 3

RoboCop 3 (1993)
11 June 2006
This highly-disappointing sequel finds our hero going against law and order by siding with a group of down-and-outers who stand to lose their neighborhood because of evil corporate interests. Along the way Robo crashes cars, battles robot ninjas and flies through the air like a six-ton Superman. Alas, none of it can save ROBOCOP 3, a film into which very little real effort seems to have gone.

When watching ROBOCOP 3, one can't help but think the producers lazily expected the well-established Robocop brand would simply sell itself this time around. Making matters worse, they tried to move away from a more adult-style of action and sci-fi and deliver something you might watch with older kiddies. I mean, robot ninjas??? What is this, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? This thing even attempts to deliver a do-the-right-thing message, but the whole effort is so muddled and ridiculous it can't succeed (nor should a movie like this even try).

I am willing to cut movies a lot of slack, but this one's a stinker. No wonder Robo was reduced to a cheap Canadian-filmed TV series following this disaster.
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