Limbo (II) (2004)
A truly unique achievement
11 January 2006
Limbo are one of those seldom little qualities that one is lucky they found. The film just has such a gripping storyline that leaves allows one to interpret it in so many numerous ways. Then the black and white look that keeps you edgy through the whole movie is truly excellent and the score by Andy Daniels is incredible in my opinion. This really is a film that everybody needs to own, ESPECIALLY, aspiring filmmakers. I still find it outstanding, being a filmmaker myself, that Ikimi managed to assemble a crew this good to produce such excellence for a meagre $9,000. I just hope that it can come out soon on DVD so that I can watch it again as I am really desperate to do so.

Hopefully, those 'directors' in Hollywood can take note of the brilliance of Limbo. It really is a great effort by the whole crew that was assembled. Well done
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