Review of Wonderfalls

Wonderfalls (2004)
Wonderfalls deserves more!
31 December 2005
I would love to see someone pick up Wonderfalls again. I saw the four they showed in California, and now I've seen the series thanks to Netflix, but I want more! I loved the way the storyline appeared to be headed in an obvious direction, but right when I expected the foreseeable outcome, the whole story would jump into a zany twist that thrilled me and kept me entertained through all thirteen episodes. The show aired on FOX, and as I don't normally watch FOX (except for the Simpsons). I only heard about Wonderfalls through a freak channel surfing moment. I talked about the show with others, and all except one had never heard of it; and they weren't happy that after I got them turned on to the show, it immediately disappeared.

Please someone bring this cast back together and continue the show!
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