very fine last scene
26 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The shootout at the end is up there with the one in LA Confidential. And the performances are all quite good. But the story as someone here has so ably picked up on, is very very stupid. Had Devane just been a vet that has seen too much smoke and blood and somehow or the other then got his hand whacked off, well it would have made more sense. I guess. So its no wonder Tarantino likes the story, considering how little sense most of his make either.

But the shootout is a marvel. Very nice buildup, and both Devane and Jones deliver the goods in the whorehouse.

And the song at the end, somehow is particularly haunting. Also nice that the story is set in and around San Antonio. Its just too bad they had to go out of their way to make this so ridiculously ridiculous. It could have been a taut tale in the right hands.
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