A great film perhaps but ------
23 August 2005
At the risk of seeming antagonistic--and I am here, but that is not a bad thing---my nod for most overrated film goes to THE PHILADELPHIA STORY. The reason is simply that it seems like such a conspicuous showcase for the star. I like Ms.Hepburn very much and was marveling at her beauty in ALICE ADAMS only a few weeks ago, while BRINGING UP BABY is one of my top-ten favorite films (does my guilt show??) but she bought the property for herself (admittedly a wise thing to do, fiscally and career-wise) and for me, the self-aggrandizing screenplay renders the movie a net loss. I just can't buy into all the fuss over what to me is not a real agreeable or affable character until we're eight or ten reels into the story and by then she's lost me.
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