ever inward
21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
as a ST movie, I give Generations a 6. Star Trek fans come in 2 types, the ones who like wearing the costumes, and the ones who enjoy the exploration of the human condition thru science fiction. Generations, at it's heart, is a Star Trek movie. Beyond that, however, it is a story about addiction, and how we let ourselves become trapped in our pasts. This subject was explored by ST a bit better in the DS9 pilot episode ('the emissary'), but here it seems the franchise is actually questioning itself. Kirk it seems, must die because brute strength solutions are a thing of the past. So, the irony of going back to the past to punch Soren's lights out are accidentally humorous. Ultimately the message here is If Picard is to learn anything, it's how to rumble. On a musical note, this was one of the better scores for a ST film, the theme for 'the nexus' was hauntingly beautiful.
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