The Snoop Sisters (1972–1974)
ahead of its time, in a way
6 August 2005
"The Snoop Sisters" starred Helen Hayes, Mildred Natwick, Lou Antonio, and Bert Convy. Unfortunately, it never attracted an audience. Like the later, much better "Ellery Queen," it was about ten years too early. The golden ager TV boom - the breakout hits "The Golden Girls" and "Murder, She Wrote" didn't happen until a decade later.

"The Snoop Sisters" sported some fabulous guest stars and was silly as all get-out. Because it was forced into a 90-minute time slot, it seems slow. The obviousness of the murders on "Murder, She Wrote," didn't stop it from becoming a hit, however, so it's unlikely that was the real problem with "The Snoop Sisters." Like MSW, it relied heavily on style instead of substance and taken on that basis, it was an entertaining series.

With formidable and adorable stars like Hayes and Natwick, it's a shame that this series appeared on TV when it did. Timing, as they say, is everything.
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