20 Funerals (2004)
Entertaining Independent
31 July 2005
Overall, this is an entertaining flick and good look at some possible new talents. Alex Tsiros and Thym Kennedy (and Naylor) do some great work with, at times, a mediocre script. The story is a great idea, but it falls flat in some places. It seems to be a function partly of writing and partly of editing - there are some scenes that don't quite connect to the rest of the story, and others where one wonders simply "Why?" Despite these downfalls, there is some wit to the script, and this is definitely not a waste of time for anyone who likes the gritty cop dramas or even just film noir. The rap stars have small roles as bad guys, but it really works well - it was a great job of crossover for the musicians. Overall, not a bad flick for something that went straight to video!
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