About Fifty Kinds of Lame
28 March 2005
ALL the extra "films" on the DVD for "Dawn of the Dead" are incredibly lame, with horrible production values and questionable acting. This one is the more unwatchable of the two (if such a thing is possible), because it points a camera at a not-particularly-talented actor and has him improv for like 40 minutes.

It's not a comedy, it's not a drama, in fact it's not anything at all, it just happens to have the same actor who played a (non-speaking) role in the film. Is that supposed to entice me to watch? Ed Wood made better "films" than this one. This was just someone's bored afternoon that they tried to pass as a DVD extra so they could charge an extra ten bucks. Don't fall for it.

Watch the movie, not the extras. Awful... and what's worse, boring. The backstory it purports to "explain" isn't even consistent with the movie. Or zombie lore. Or technology, since he uses a VHS tape in 2005.
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