Review for Dead in the Water
15 March 2025
This was a film that I sought out due to be a remake of Knife in the Water by Roman Polanski. What we're getting here is an updated version. I picked this up on DVD years ago and just now getting around to watching it. Ahead of coming in to watch this, I knew that Dominique Swain starred. The opening credits reminded me that Henry Thomas also starred. It wasn't until settling in that it also had Scott Bairstow. I didn't know him by name but recognized his face.

What we get here is Gloria (Swain) is asked by her father to take his business partners' son out on the yacht. This is Marcos (Sebastian DeVicente). He has never seen the ocean. She doesn't want to do this, but her father explains their financial situation and reluctantly agrees. I don't believe she told him that she isn't using the captain. She will drive the boat. Her boyfriend, Danny (Bairstow), and friend of Jeff (Thomas) are joining.

They go out and have a good time, until things take a turn. Danny is a jerk. Gloria is attracted to Marcos and they make out when the guys are gone. They come back though in the middle, where she blames him for coming on to her. Danny knocks him overboard and tosses out a lifesaver. He then drives off, leaving Marcos in the water. This is troubling due to him not being a strong swimmer.

The group takes the boat around the island and that's when panic sets in. They can't seem to find where they left him. They continue the search but as time goes on, it looks bleaker. Decisions are then made as to what to do.

Now that should recap what this version of the story gives. Something interesting here is that instead of a couple with a stranger on a boat. We have a larger sea vessel and adding the wrinkle that Jeff is in love with Gloria, who has friend zoned him. Jeff is friends with Danny and something I'll say here, I've been the former in a situation like this. Jeff is in an interesting position that he wants to help his friend, but also will steal his girl at the first chance that he gets. I did like this aspect.

What then makes this an interesting story as well is that we're seeing the worst of humanity come out when it comes to self-preservation. We learn things here as we go on about the characters. Gloria and her plight are introduced from the opening sequence. She doesn't rely on the others until Marcos disappears. Through conversations between Danny and Jeff, the former messed up at his previous job in Hong Kong and struggled to find another business to give him a chance. Jeff put his neck out for him, but it is a step down in what he'd be doing. Jeff also uses this against him as tensions rise. They are trying to find a way where they can wash their hands of what happened without punishment. This then becomes an 'out of the frying pan, into the fire' situation as the longer they go, the worse the situation becomes.

The execution though isn't necessarily there unfortunately. Swain looks good and she's in a bikini so that is tempting. Thomas is a good actor, but he's limited here to just being brooding. Bairstow has a good look about him. The same for DeVicente. The acting is serviceable, I'll say that. I also think they do well with filmmaking. They don't do anything that necessarily stands out. I did like seeing this group descend into madness trying to figure out what to do. It does help with the atmosphere. This shoots for the fences and does come up short. Not horrible by any stretch though.

My Rating: 5 out of 10.
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