Review of Movies

The Goodies: Movies (1975)
Season 5, Episode 1
15 March 2025
Warning: Spoilers
A new season and a new, catchy theme song. Like 'Kitten Kong', this episode was the BBC's entry in The Golden Rose Of Montreux, and also got a silver rose. You have to wonder how good the golden rose winner must have been. It is impossible to imagine anything funnier than 'Movies'.

Dismayed at the parlous state of the British film industry, the lads acquire a movie studio and make their own film - 'Macbeth Meets Truffaut The Wonder Dog'. The cardboard sets collapse and the whole thing is a disaster. Unable to agree on their next project ( Graeme wants to do a Western, Tim a Biblical epic, and Bill a silent comedy ), they make their films at the same time, resulting in a climax Mel Brooks would have been proud of.

One of the greatest 'Goodies' episodes. Among the directors namechecked are Stanley Kubrick, Andy Warhol, and Ken Russell. Actually, the British film industry was not doing too badly at that time; look at 'The Ruling Class', 'O Lucky Man', 'Monty Python And The Holy Grail', 'The Shout' and 'The Man Who Fell To Earth'. All are considerably better than what's on offer now.

Funniest moment - Julie Andrews getting her comeuppance courtesy of some native Americans!

Season Five was off to a great start.
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