The Swimmer (1968)
The Wrong Place
13 March 2025
Frank Perry the director ( or most of the film ) made an extraordinary debut film ' David and Lisa ' but that was the very early 1960's and time and Hollywood had changed. Sexiness was pushed further when it was not needed, and a certain vulgarity of filming had set in. Despite the fact that nearly all the actors were in swimsuits, the film itself is devoid of eroticism. This is my opinion and in the two best scenes for me Burt Lancaster gives great depth to his enigmatic character. The first is teaching a young boy to swim in a swimming pool without water, and arguably saves his life and the second is with the great actor Janice Rule with whom he has had a previous relationship. Rule literally whips him with words while still denying her attraction to him. I think she should have had a supporting Oscar for this role, and her presence burns up the screen. Lancaster too is excellent playing a man who was either a wastrel or just someone in the wrong, far too affluent country club place, that would eventually do its best to annihilate him. Success can often breed failure and this film casts a bright light on material greed. Also this film is still relevant and my only gripe is that a few scenes towards the end tend towards melodrama, especially the one where Lancaster tries to cross a speeding highway, and frantically succeeds. It called to mind the penultimate scene from the 1950's ' Invasion of the Body Snatchers. ' Maybe its frantic approach was apt; Lancaster was in his way escaping the body snatchers of the rich. An almost great film.
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