A slippery slope...
9 March 2025
From a documentary perspective there are so many issues with Putin's playground (PP) it is hard to know where to begin. Maybe the simplest way to put it is to say; you cannot argue against propaganda with propaganda. If you can't no bothered to put in the hard work - you should probably avoid making a documentary.

Konrad Szolajski's work falls well within the Preaching-To-The-Convinced category - a category that sits deep in the lower end of documtary film making. As such it is unlikely to change anybody's opinion on the addressed subject. Those in agreement may nod their heads, those in disagreement have ample fodder to dismiss the case being made.

It's obvious that Szolajski is on a "crusade" and just as obvious that said crusade is founded on outrage, passion and possibly empathy. However, being lazy with facts, making uncorroborated statements and using populistic rhetoric... doesn't exactly build his case. Especially so given the subject matter.

It's a shame. It would have been interesting to delve deeper into the rationale of people perceiving "the state of affairs" so very differently - and have somebody present some creative ideas as how to get out of this political mess we find ourselves in.
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