Having watched a good share of South Korean rom-coms/rom-drams, the first 3-4 episodes were interesting enough. Then the writers/directors and cast sort of lost the deal. The characters were dull, dishwater-gray. The lead actor was playing such an annoying person that any normal woman would have put out arrest warrants or restraining orders on him. Other than that, the rest of the characters were lacking in any
motivation or emotional responses. There was nothing about any of them that I could even care about. The scenes were so drawn-out and tedious that I had to simply fast-forward to the next scene hoping it would be of interest. NOPE! Just more of the same depressing, melancholy characters that wander through their vacuous lives.
When you overuse sentimentality, it becomes nothing more than a death sentence. These ten episodes was like slogging through waist deep mud.
One note: the brother who dies, he should have been cast as the romantic lead.
When you overuse sentimentality, it becomes nothing more than a death sentence. These ten episodes was like slogging through waist deep mud.
One note: the brother who dies, he should have been cast as the romantic lead.