Review of Silo

Silo (2023– )
Silo: A Thrilling Ride... That Hit the Brakes Too Hard in Season 2
21 February 2025
I've been hooked on Silo from the very beginning. The world-building, the mystery, the constant sense of dread-it's exactly the kind of show that keeps me coming back for more. I couldn't wait for each new episode, always eager to see what secrets would be uncovered next. But season 2? Well... let's just say it took its sweet time getting anywhere.

The pacing this season was slow. Painfully slow at times. It felt like they dragged things out just to dump everything in the last episode, and while I love a good finale, it shouldn't have to carry an entire season on its back. And speaking of the ending... yeah, not great. It left me with more questions than answers, and not in a good "ooh, I can't wait to find out more" way-more like a "wait, that's it?" kind of way.

One thing Silo does really well, though, is making characters feel genuinely intimidating. I lost count of how many times I thought, "Yeah, I wouldn't last a day in this place." But while some actors absolutely nailed their roles, others... not so much. There were a few performances that felt flat or just didn't match the intensity of the story.

Even with its flaws, I'm still excited for the next season. Hopefully, we'll finally get some real answers about the history of the Silo and what's really going on. Just... maybe let's not cram all the action into the last episode this time?
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