The Ninja Kids (1991 Video Game)
Something a bit different and odd.
21 January 2025
Played this on an emulator and it was alright. A very short beat em up game that does a few things differently. Its presentation is unique as the sprites look like Muppets and at the start of the game the ninja kids appear to be on strings like puppets. It was pretty fun, but really short.

The story has an evil organization with plans to raise Satan himself! Despite this premise, the game is definitely on the lighter side as you fight waves of enemies and some bosses. There is a bit of a story as you make your way through five stages to meet up with Satan!

The game play has you fighting with some different weapons depending on your choice of ninja kids. I used the red ninja kid and he used shurikens. Also, you have a special move which gets more powerful as you collect scrolls to make it more powerful like in Golden Axe. No life loss for using your special, that was very prevalent in arcade games of the time.

So it passed some time and it was okay to play. I thought the presentation was different. I laughed a bit as some of the characters look exactly like Bert and Ernie! This game is nothing to take seriously and something to play to fill in twenty minutes of time.
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