actual review of the movie
21 February 2005
OK.. i was super excited to see this movie.. i didn't care that the 3-d glasses were giving me a mild headache and i had to cock my head and squint to make things go into "3-d focus" sometimes. The Movie was awesome until the end when they showed the computer rendered graphics of what they thought the actual aliens might look like.. that was a super bad way to end a good film. Also.. it was WAY TO SHORT FOR THE MONEY I SPENT. what i'm saying is, they had a lot of really good underwater footage of animals a person does not get to see in action very often at all.. so instead of showing them for 10-20 seconds, why not show them for at least 5 minutes each, and maybe talk about what animal it is. I mean c'mon these people are marine biologists, and all they say is "neat, cool, look at that" i mean DUH!! if i was there, that is what i would say to!!! tell me something i don't know. the movie was so short they should've shown the animals for way longer, i would not have gotten bored seeing them... to bad i don't even know what they are called, because the retards just said "wow, thats cool" instead of "this is this kind of animal. this is how it survives, etc..." I don't regret going to the movie. but i just wish they would've shown more of the footage they had, and the ideas about exploring space were cool and informative, but i really hated the computer graphics stuff they did. they could've shown those crazy octopus things for like 10 minutes and i would not have gotten bored with the image at all.... and the same goes for basically all the animals they ran into down there.
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