Review of Precious

Precious (II) (2009)
Spectacular film
12 January 2025
This movie was hard to watch at times. Poverty, abuse, and misfortune at every turn. Precious was lucky to have people in her life who loved her. Unfortunately, her mother wasn't one of them.

Enter Mo'Nique. Until this film I never saw her do anything beyond her foul-mouthed stand up routine. And I mean foul. I guess I'll never understand who she's trying to appeal to but it certainly isn't everyone and it's definitely not me.

I don't want to dwell on her but I'm going to anyway because this woman gave an Oscar winning performance and I knew when I saw this at the theater when it was released, that she was going to win it. Yes, she is that good here. I would love to see her do more. She might be a comedian but she is a fine dramatic actor.

Other names of note. Mariah Carrey and Lenny Kravitz.

All that aside, when you watch this movie you'll realize how great your life is by comparison no matter how crappy it is.
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