Off Ramp (2023)
Ninja What??
9 January 2025
Off Ramp starts off feeling like the movie 'Detroit Rock City' as a wacky on the road adventure with friends trying to make it to a concert. Well in this film it's The Gathering Of The Juggalo festival. At first it starts loose and fun then around the half way mark the movie makes an abrupt tonal shift and gets really dark, and not for the better of the film. After that a bunch of whacked out crazy stuff happens. Then it kinda just ends.

This movie is alright but to me it just feels like two completely different films that never quite gel together. And not climaxing with them performing at the festival was a huge mistake! Since these guys kept talking about performing and you see one dude constantly showing that he got over his stage fright, it just feels like a loose end that was never tied up.

I don't know, I honestly wanted to love it but I just found it all to be whatever.
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