We Strangers (2024)
Stranger than Truth
22 October 2024
In 'We Strangers' Ray is a young blue collar black woman working as a housekeeper for middle class residents of bleak post-industrial Gary, Indiana. During the course of her domestic duties, she catches glimpses of commonplace deceit among her employers. When one of these clients brings up the subject of psychic abilities, Ray impulsively fibs that she possesses ESP and can receive communications from the dead.

The film doesn't make a great melodrama from this incident - instead it focuses on the more subtle consequences. Ray's lie leads to altered treatment from her employers, while her invented messages from the afterlife provide the necessary justification for others to make different choices in their own lives. The story is enhanced by excellent cinematography, which is complemented by a riveting performance from Kirby in the lead role. The camera lingers over the beauty of her face, fascinated by the enigmatic expressions which flicker across it in response to the events unfolding around Ray.
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