I truly enjoyed this Jericho and Kristine movie sweet and entertaining movie that leaves you with a good feeling after watching it.
27 December 2004
i truly enjoyed this movie. Jericho and Kristine made such a cute couple too bad that they split in real life. Jericho is now being seen with Angelika Dela Cruz and sadly but happy for her Kristine is now married to Deither Ocampo. Jericho and Kristine will forever be my favorite love team even though they are split now. the chemistry they had on screen was amazing and the scenes where they sang were good too. this movie makes me cry every time i watch it. its a touching story that leaves u with a happy feeling after watching it. i know that i sound all sappy but i can't really help it. if you are interested in another movie with Jericho and Kristine. You should try Forevermore and Trip also has a bit of Jericho and Kristine action. and if you have TFC you can sometimes catch them on asap mania where they showcase their singing and dancing talents shown in this movie. also they have an album out Jericho Kristine <3 if you haven't watched this movie you should
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