Final some real snap to the series.
21 December 2004
In the snowy wilderness of 1815 western Canada, two teenage girls claiming to be lost from an exploring expedition seek shelter. They stumble upon an Indian village and discover its inhabitants torn to shreds as if by wild animals. Shortly after the girls find themselves stalked by mysterious beasts that lurk in the woodland shadows. As the creatures draw close, the girls are saved by a surviving Indian brave and taken to an isolated trading post that is also under siege by the incredibly vicious beast....creatures that are actually the victims of an ancient European disease brought over by white settlers to the new world.

This is the rather interesting concept of the most recent of the Ginger snaps films....Ginger snaps back.

Allow me to begin by saying I am not a big fan of the the first two Ginger Snaps movies. While many speak highly of both installments I found little to recommend them. The whole suicidal Gothic girl bit went out with the 80s dark comedy, Heathers. That combined with low production values, little or no atmosphere and shabby special effects....the films were severely hindered. In fact, the only thing that was entertaining about the earlier series efforts was the impressive on screen rapport of the films two attractive young stars: Emily Perkins and Katherine Isabelle.

In the films third installment, however, most that was bad in the first two movies was removed. But all that was good remained. Perkins and Isabelle for example are back. The close knit ties between the sisters....which is the main running theme of the films....remains intact. "Together forever" is the girls motto, no matter what the cost. They prove that and more in this installment. The setting of the film...as mentioned above....changes to a refreshingly more atmospheric location and time setting. The movie obviously had more of a budget to work with as the production values and special effects are much better this time around. And best of all the director seemed to know how to make film of this type. He goes for story and characterization over gore.

The only downsides are with some portions of the script. Katherine Isabelle's character slips into modern day speak on a few occasions. And one or two minor characters and subplots seem a bit cliché'. But otherwise this film hits mostly quality high notes and is pleasure to watch if you enjoy a well made horror movie experience.
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