Review of Fall

Fall (1997)
Simply Amazing
29 November 2004
I've watched this film several times over the past 5 years. And, each time I find subtle nuances that speak to the sensibilities of life and love. Fall, embodies the peaks and valleys of love and expresses love's very definition. The viewer sees through Eric Schaeffer's eyes the choices that we make when participating in love and the consequences of our decisions. Clearly Michael (Eric's character) was aware that Sarah was married and she made it quite clear that she'd never leave her husband Phillipe. However, my goal here is not to summarize the movie, but rather discuss the alleged rape that some commenting on this site perceived. It is true that Sarah said no, on several occasions. And, when Michael obeyed Sarah and stopped, Sarah (while banging her pelvis against the refrigerator) says "DON'T STOP" and then "COME ON!". Michael effectively got into the mind of his intended lover and took hold. This film is sexy and wildly passionate. Though, I would agree with others, this film is not for everyone.
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