Time Changer (2002)
Not the best acted but a wonderful movie
28 November 2004
I really enjoyed this movie. It is a pleasure to have a movie that tells the truth and is family safe. More and more often movies seem family safe on the outside and then you take your kids and are shocked by the content (Shrek 2, Spongebob).

I am shocked to read the comments others left who say they are Christians but that the message of this film is outdated!!!! The bottom line that this movie presents is that truth is absolute not relative. That taking God out of it and just living a good, moral life is not enough because then truth becomes whatever you think or society thinks at the moment. The truth of the Bible, of Christianity is that good works will not get you into heaven. Faith on Jesus Christ, asking Him into your heart as your Saviour is THE ONLY way to heaven. And that is what this movie is telling us.

Too many "christians" are watering down their faith to try not to offend, but that is not what Jesus called Christians to do. Be strong in your faith and share the gospel!!!

While this film may not be the best acted and is not Oscar material, it is honest and full of wonderful truths!!!
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