Señorita Justice (2004 Video)
Not Enough Nudity (spoilers... oh wait, nothing could spoil this piece of crap)
10 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm drinkin with my roommates, we make our over to Hollywood video and what do we see? Senorita Justice! Oh man that sounds action packed! So we rent it. Who wouldn't, you know? It starts out with porno sounding music, we're like "oh yeah, this is going to be good". So, with out giving away anything else, except that it wasn't good at all, I have to say they successfully insulted most of the different cultures in florida, and any one's intelligence that was watching it. I was drunk and was able to realize that, so note to self, do not watch sober. I don't know if you consider this a spoiler, but 90 percent of the scenes end with some one looking camera right and shaking their head. Who are they shaking their head at? I still don't know. Oh, and the white chick with the really bad latina accent... awesome. Now if only she'd get naked.
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