A mild case of schizophrenia.
14 September 2004
Just saw the movie and felt like I needed the Cliff Notes to the story. My cousin recommended the movie to me when I was in Seoul and I picked it up. He claimed it was a comedy and assured me that I'd enjoy it.

I did. The first half of it.

The comedy (when apparent) is great. The punch lines and acting are spot on and you will bust a gut. However, in the middle of the film, the picture abruptly shifts gears and somehow transforms itself into a very serious drama.

The transition is very jarring and leaves a very big hole to fill in which the movie unfortunately does nothing to remedy. Furthermore, it ends somewhat mysteriously and it left me (and my friends) w/ a very empty feeling.

Like previous viewers had previously mentioned - first half = funny. Second half = serious and somewhat flat. End = huh?
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