Wicker Park (2004)
A glimpse of stalking
11 September 2004
I've just come back from seeing what I think is one of the best movies of 2004. I found the story fascinating, the look stylish, and the music haunting.

"Wicker Park" is a tale of obsession on many levels. It is told partly in flashback, so that you have to piece the events together and figure out how far back the action of the film began -- what is now and what was then. The director uses split-screen techniques that enhance the look and feel of the film, lifting it from the realm of the ordinary to the plane of art. A haunting theme weaves its way through this labyrinth of lies, leading to a satisfying (because inevitable) conclusion.

I saw the film with two friends who were of a very different opinion. They found the film "convoluted" and "clichéd". I disagree. It was easy to tell what was flashback and what was here-and-now. But the story is complicated (not convoluted) and does require some sorting out. As for being cliched, I found the film quite the opposite. It could have gone in some trite, hackneyed directions but didn't. And while some people might think the ending is the cliché of all clichés, I thought that, emotionally, it was absolutely right and the only possible way to end the film.

I loved "Wicker Park" so much that I would willingly see it again, to get a better sense of how the story is put together, and just for the sheer pleasure of its look and sound. You might say I too am obsessed.
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